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Truth & Journalism: Reflections From A Pulitzer Prize-winner
This is a piece for all the "independent seekers of the truth" out there. Paul Van Slambrouck, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and former chief of the Christian Science Monitor converses with master interviewer Richard Whittaker. They discuss the pursuit of truth in journalism, the power and edges of modern-day mass media, and highlights from Paul's illustrious career, ranging from interviews wi... posted on Apr 18 2014, 9,096 reads


The Empathy Library
Imagine a library filled with only the very best examples of human empathy. A treasure trove of inspiring books and films to 'spark a global empathy revolution.' This was the goal of author Roman Krznaric, who worked to capture the world's most memorable examples of empathy under one digital roof. His project, dubbed The Empathy Library, is swiftly being recognized as one of the best online commun... posted on Apr 17 2014, 25,130 reads


Helpful Tips For Your Inner Critic
Many believe that being hard on themselves will make them better people. However, research does not support this belief. Self-criticism has been shown to reduce motivation, increase procastination, and increase rumination. This article from the Greater Good Science Center summarizes some of the scientifically-proven healthier ways to take an honest look at yourself and learn from your mistakes. Fr... posted on Apr 16 2014, 47,168 reads


Carl Sagan & The Pale Blue Dot
"The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena...There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known." These are the words of astronomer Carl Sagan, taken from his book Pa... posted on Apr 15 2014, 23,053 reads


The Daily Routines of Geniuses
In his book Daily Rituals: How Artists Work, author Mason Curry examines the schedules of 161 painters, writers, and composers, as well as philosophers, scientists, and other exceptional thinkers. Drawing from the examples Curry provides, Sarah Green of the Harvard Business Review picks out for us a set of compelling commonalities shared by some of history's most brilliant people.... posted on Apr 14 2014, 64,126 reads


Sprouting Seeds of Compassion
"One day, visiting a friend's house in Malibu, I met an old man who had spent his life planting trees. As we talked through the afternoon, with the blue Pacific murmuring rumors of the world's vastness, and nearness, he explained how trees were the ecological equivalent of one-stop shopping: they could restore degraded soil, increase crops, feed livestock, provide building materials and firewood, ... posted on Apr 13 2014, 13,279 reads


Owen & Haatchi: A Boy And His Dog
"The day that Haachi met Owen was utterly incredible. It was electric. It was spiritual...they immediately understood they were going to work together as a team," Colleen Drummond, Owen's stepmother. Owen is a 7-year old boy with a rare syndrome that leaves his muscles in a constant state of tension. Haatchi is an Anatolian Shepherd that was left to die on the railroad tracks, but managed to escap... posted on Apr 12 2014, 4,652 reads


Two Children Teach the World About Love
Trenton and Lindsay Cochran are best friends, brother and sister, support and inspiration. 10-year old Lindsay, who suffers from Spinal Muscular Atrophy, has been in a wheelchair since she was 2. Trenton understands deeply that his life would have been very different if he didn't have a disabled younger sister. Not only is this mature 12-year old a helper and protector, he is an advocate and amba... posted on Apr 11 2014, 13,799 reads


A Father's Love & Heroism
They say a father's love knows no bounds. Yu Xukang, a single father from the Sichuan Province in China is a living example of this. He is a man who wants nothing more than for his child to have the precious gift of education. A rare disorder has twisted his son's limbs making it impossible for him to walk the 9 miles to the only school able to accommodate his disabilities. But, that's no matter ... posted on Apr 10 2014, 44,976 reads


Pamela Sukhum & The Beautiful Project
Pamela Sukham's warmth and openheartedness invites us all to find the artist within and to experience life and all it's infinite possibilities on a path for beauty and truth. In this conversation, Pamela shares her journey from one captivating story to the next, beginning with a life-changing realization that she needed to leave a stable career to trust an paint. Read here how her... posted on Apr 09 2014, 26,128 reads


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Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Arthur C. Clarke

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